“I asked Pinneti to venture into coffee business myself. She had no idea about it.” Museveni

Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni while speaking at Kololo during the State of the Nation Address admitted that he is the one behind Penneti’s idea of venturing into the coffee business. #News #UgandaNews #Uganda #WhisperEyeNews

Museveni said that Pinetti the Italian/Libyan investor did not have any thoughts of ever engaging in the coffee business but rather it was him(M7) who advised her to take a chance on it considering the wide network of businesses she had.

“When I met Madam Pinetti (investor), the one you’re attacking. She had no idea about coffee. She however had a big network so she went to consult and said it was doable. I am the one who told her, for her she was into hospitals” He said

The coffee deal signed between Uganda and Madam Pineetti’s company Vinci faced a very fierce landing into the eyes and ears of many Ugandans with a big section of society wondering how our representatives ended up putting pen on paper on such an agreement that didn’t favor Uganda at all.

The situation was worsened by the fact that the said investor had failed in her first project of construction of the Lubowa Hospital which saw 100s of billions of taxpayers money being wasted.

Opposition MPs said that it was so wicked for government to sign an agreement with a person who had no clean record of accomplishing all projects that are assigned to her.

NUP president Hon Robert Kyagulanyi while speaking to the nation said that Panetti is simply a tool used by mafias within the NRM system to steal billions of taxpayers money.