SDP spokesperson Denis Tumuhairwe speaks out on Dr. Besigye’s imprisonment, calls for his immediate release

SDP spokesperson Denis Tumuhairwe speaks out on Dr. Besigye’s imprisonment and calls for his immediate release.

#WhisperEyeNews #Uganda #UgandaNews

Six years seems like yesterday but you will be surprised that many of the current noise makers in opposition were either supporting the dictator or had no idea about the struggle against the dictator.

Six years ago, Rtd. Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye sent this letter from Luzira prison where he hadn’t gone for a visit but had been incarcerated for similar reasons that find him in the same place 6yrs later.

Kizza Besigye’s letter he authored while in prison on 3rd June 2016

For 20 yrs, I’ve watched a Freedom fighter arrested regularly for advocating for better standards of living and an end of a dictatorship.

Dr. Besigye never gives up attitude has earned my admiration beyond any Ugandan politician.

As you sleep in your prison cell, let it be known that your sacrifice is not in vain for you are deeply respected, admired, and appreciated.

We Shall Overcome some day !

Dr. Kizza Besigye was recently arrested in Kampala as he protested the high cost of living. he stays incarcerated in Luzira prison pending court pronunciation .