Very Sad: Grief at NUP Two seniors members who died in a fatal accident are buried, 6 nursing severe injuries

Two members of the National Unity Platform (NUP) Waiswa Denis from Iganga district and Yakubu Kiggundu from Kawempe Kazo Angola ward B councilor in Kawempe died on spot in a motor accident that occurred as they were approaching Kkumi town.

About six others including Kampala Capital City Authority Councillor Nusifa Nakato, Denis popularly known as Dan City, Sharif among others are admitted in the hospital with serious injuries.

The car was traveling to Omoro to join the campaign team of Toolit Simon in the ongoing by-election.

“We have so far learnt that two of our comrades and leaders, Waiswa Denis from Iganga and Yakub Kiggundu from Kawempe, have passed on,” says NUP official.

“As we wait to get more updates, may we all keep praying for the rest of the comrades to recover from the injuries sustained,” he added.

Yakubu Kiggundu was buried today .

The Omoro county MP seat was declared vacant by the Electoral Commission after the death of the RT. Hon Jacob L’Okori Oulanyah who was also the speaker of the 11th Parliament of Uganda.