“I have never stepped my feet in State house.” Dr. Miria Matembe

Former Minister turned government critic Hon Dr Miria Matembe while appearing on one of the media stations on a political talk show shocked the world when she said that in her life time, she has never gone to State House Entebbe for any reason whether official or non official.

In the 1990s, Matembe served as Minister for Ethics and integrity leaving many wondering as to whether she never used to attend cabinet meetings which are known to always be held at State House Entebbe every Monday of the new week.

To many Ugandans, any opposition politician who steps his feet in state house is redflagged for allegedly going to dine with Gen Museveni and later coming out with sacks of money to enrich him or herself.

Matembe was thrown thrown out cabinet after she challenged Gen Museveni’s move to ammend the constitution in his favor that removed the term limits allowing the 5 star General extend his stay in power past 2006.

Matembe later joined the FDC supporting Dr Kizza Besigye in 2006 but her relationship with the new party never lasted later quitting and decided to operate solely.

In 2021, Matembe was defeated by NRM’s Hon Peggy Waako in the Elderly MP elections where she was seeking to represent older persons in the 11th Parliament..