Kyengera girls survive being killed together with a mother

Namiiro Ayebare Maurine and her mother Mrs. Nakirudde Faridah together with a fellow girl commonly known as Honey has survived being lynched to death by an angry mob in Kyengera, Mugongo, Wakiso district.

Namiiro Ayebare Maurine (20 years) a resident of Kyengera, Mugongo, in Wakiso district has been caught red handled after her birthday party at their home in Lesbian acts by neighbors with a fellow girl whom she has been pretending to be her friend.

According to eyewitnesses, the two; Mourine and her girlfriend who is only known to them as Honey (not even sure if it’s her real name) two were found in the night romancing over the wall of Mourine’s mother’s home.

To their surprise, when they caught the two and made an alarm the mother of the girl Mrs. Nakirudde Faridah aged 37 years rushed in and saved the two and helped them to escape from the angry mobs.

As if that wasn’t enough she went on shouting to the angry neighbors that her daughter was born that way so they should accept her ways the same way she accepted her. These ungodly words triggered the mobs to start beating the mother condemning her for being the one that has taught her daughter to be a lesbian.

Mrs. Nakirudde Faridah ran away to avoid being killed by the angry mobs who had increased in number which led them to start destroying their house.

“We haven’t been judging the girl and her mother but remember in the bible such acts led to the destruction of cities Sodom and Gomorrah, so we cannot allow such in our country which we dedicated to God,” claimed one of the eyewitnesses known as Kyeyune Leo a trader in Kyengera town council.

The angry mobs later turned to hitting and smashing the house of Mrs. Nakirudde Faridah where she has been residing with her daughter Namiiro Ayebare Maurine who is said to be a devil agent promoting and engaging in lesbianism acts in the community as she is being supported by her mother Faridah. The mob continued smashing the house until a well-wisher called the nearby Police to quell the situation.

Upon arriving at the scene of the crime, Police secured and searched the smashed house and found a libido and other materials used in lesbian acts in the girl’s bedroom, according to the Officer in Charge of Kyengera Police station the two are to be charged according to the existing laws of Uganda and encouraged the people to put their members of parliament on pressure to tighten the laws against LGBTQ.

He also indicated, Police have used the roadside cameras and its newly installed system to find out more and the two are to be arrested and be punished by the law because the mother has been helping the girl in committing sexual crimes.

He has also called upon parents to be selective of the schools where they take their children because most of them learn from schools that are targeted by the people from the West who are more interested in eliminating the African culture with homosexual behaviors.

“That is illegal, according to our constitution a girl can’t have sex with a fellow girl therefore, we must do our work, we only argue the community members not to do mob justice because it is also illegal and two wrongs cannot make it right, the investigating Officers named withheld are to do their work and complete the file and forward it to the state attorney’s office” District Police Commander Mr. Hussein.

LGBTQ is an illegal act according to the Penal Code of the Republic of Uganda. Whoever engages in such an act is liable to prosecution and aheavy conviction in the Ugandan Courts.

Severally, people found in same-sex marriages in Uganda have not only been ridiculed but also been promised mob justice once found. Musician Julie Muteesasira who declared with was LGBTQ was castigated by the Ugandan Community for such same-sex acts and was promised to be lynched if she ever stepped into Uganda again. She was later sent to exile.

Also, Chris Mubiru, a renowned football manager in Uganda was arrested and imprisoned for allegedly feasting on his players in different clubs in the country while another Ugandan David Kato was killed for such acts.

Our sources reached out to neighbors of the two who said they had already suspected the two girls whom they had first thought to be just friends but couldn’t prove by then but this saga now proved their suspicion true.

The Kyengera Mugongo LC vice chairperson Namuddu Phionah has pleaded and calmed to angry neighbors not to smash their houses with stones because if they destroy the home police will lose more evidence to use against them.