Big Win: UPC Sweeps LCIII Seats in Seven Sub Counties in Kwania

The Uganda People’s Congress-UPC party has won seven out of the eleven LCIII Sub County Chairperson seats in Kwania district.

In Akali Sub County, the incumbent chairperson Willy Alepo Acel of the NRM party lost to Godfrey Otucu of UPC, Alepo polled 1,182 votes, Godfrey Otucu got 1,856 and Vincent Egwel independent obtained 628 votes.

In Inomo Town Council Walter Ocen of UPC emerged winner, Aduku Sub County, the incumbent Sammy Omara Angai, also the Kwania NRM district Chairman lost his seat to Vincent Ogwang, the Aduku Sub County Speaker also UPC flag bearer.

In Aduku Town Council Rolex Oyari Otee of UPC emerged winner, Ambrose Okori of UPC won Nambieso Sub County Chairperson seat, in Ayabi Sub County, the incumbent Geoffrey Omara Ebuk lost his seat to Richard Eluk of UPC and Moses Ongu of UPC won Chawente Sub County seat.

However, the NRM party won in four Sub Counties. In Abongomola Sub County, gospel singer Adoli Geoffrey Zumbe popularly known as Adyeri Zumbe of NRM emerged winner, Maxwell Arac of NRM won Inomo Sub County seat beating the incumbent Douglas Abura of UPC. Vision Group Veteran Journalist Patrick Onyum Okwang NRM won the Atongtidi Sub County seat and Ebu John Denis NRM won Ayabi Town Council seat. 

Kwania District UPC party Registrar Moses Odwono attributed the win to good manifestos presented by the UPC candidates that he said persuaded the electorates to vote them.

Patrick Ongum Okwang, the Atongtidi newly elect Chairman, says during his tenure in office, he will focus on, procuring land titles for all government institutions to mitigate land wrangles, uplifting the standards of schools and health centres within the Sub County among others.

Geoffrey Zumbe Adoli, winner for Abongomola LCIII seat says he was inspired to join active politics to improve on the livelihoods of his people. Adoli said his leadership will be community-centred.