Big Story: Over 35 Refugees Escape From Kyegegwa Camp, Get Stranded in Lyantonde

The police are investigating circumstances under which 38 refugees escaped from Kyaka II Refugee Camp in Kyegegwa district and got stranded in Lyantonde district.

The group comprises men, women, and children with some claiming to be Ugandans hailing from Kisoro district while others are Burundians and Congolese.

It is said that the refugees led by Dezzi Ndehere, escaped with their families and hired a Fuso truck to transport them to Kisoro district and Kasese district to start a new life.

  According to Ndehere, they paid 1.6 million shillings to the driver for the whole journey.   But when they reached Lyantonde town at night, the driver abandoned them after claiming the truck had a mechanical problem that needed repair and refilling to proceed with the journey.   He told everyone to disembark and wait as they fix the vehicle and that was the last time to see him.

According to Emily Ayeni, from Congo, they wanted to start a new life since the conditions in the camp were unbearable.   She adds that they are stranded yet they do not have anything to feed their children and they are crying due to hunger.

Concerned residents informed police about a strange group of people that was roaming around.   Police immediately intervened and detained all of them as they make plans to return them to the camp.

Denis Odoki, the Lyantonde District Police Commander, has confirmed the incident saying they have scrutinized the refugees and recorded their statements.   He adds that plans to return them back to Kyegegwa are underway ass investigations into the matter continue.   

He further says that they have contacted the office of the prime minister to help transport the stranded refugees and they are still waiting for their response.