Sad: 7-Year Old Boy Drowns in Lake Victoria

A minor has drowned at Kamwanyi Landing Site in Bujumba Sub County in Kalangala District while playing with his peers on the Lake Victoria shoreline.

Seven-year-old Wilson Mukisa went out to play with his friends around 4 pm on Saturday evening.    

Eyewitnesses say the children pushed a canoe in the lake where the deceased was sitting. Mukisa jumped from the canoe when it left the shorelines and drowned.

His friends rushed to Kamwanyi Landing Site calling for help and by the time residents arrived, Mukisa had already sunk to the bottom of the lake.

His body lifeless body was retrieved from the lake on Sunday morning following a search by residents.

The deceased has been a son Ameri Stellah, a single mother of 2 children. Meddie Kayondo, the Kamwanyi Landing Site Chairperson, says the news of Mukisa’s drowning was reported by his friends.

Police have allowed the minor’s mother to proceed with the burial arrangements.