President Clinton, Prince Andrew sighted in kiss ,dance with young girls

Accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell once directed a room of underage girls to “kiss, dance and touch one another in a sexual way” for late pedophile boss Jeffrey Epstein and had regular threesomes with him using sex toys, according to newly released court documents.

An unidentified witness told of the alleged creepy forced performance in testimony that was revealed in 112 court documents running to thousands of pages that were released late Wednesday.

The witness whose name was redacted “testified that he watched Maxwell direct a room full of underage girls to kiss, dance, and touch one another in a sexual way for Maxwell and Epstein to watch,” the documents stated.

The pair also allegedly used sex toys during group sex with longtime accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre, whose since-settled lawsuit against British media heiress Maxwell, 59, produced the newly released documents.

Giuffre’s ex-boyfriend, Anthony Figueroa, testified that the accuser told him she “and Ms. Maxwell and Jeffrey were all intimate together on multiple occasions.” “I remember her talking about, like strap-ons and stuff like that … how they would always be using stuff like that,” he said, repeating again later how the sex would be “with the strap-ons and dildos.”

watch this space.