Sad: Minister Kasirivu car showered with bullets, survives assassination

Sad: Minister Kasirivu car showered with bullets, survives assassination. Whisper Eye News

Dr Baltazar Kasirivu-Atwooki, the Minister of State for the Vice Presidency, has this morning survived an attempt to end his life as unknown gunmen fired bullets at his official vehicle in an ambush.

Whisper Eye has learnt that the Bugangaizi West Member of Parliament was allegedly waylaid by gunmen at around 1am at Kakora village, Nyalweyo town council in Kakumiro District, a few kilometers away from his home.

According to local reporters, his vehicle faced gunfire, and dozens of bullets riddled through the vehicle.

He was returning from a radio program at Emambya FM in Kakumiro Town

He escaped unhurt after his driver sped off from the scene.

Dr Kasirivu says he survived because of God’s mercy. He suspects the attack is politically motivated ahead of tomorrow’s general elections.

“They almost finished our lives. As we were approaching my home at a swampy place, unknown people who were armed with guns opened fire on us. As gunfire raged, I told the driver to speed off and that is how we escaped unhurt. I don’t know who was behind this attack but I have informed the police. It was a miracle for me to survive,” he said.

The minister’s bodyguard who was at the same time driving the vehicle said the ambush was laid by about two gunmen who were firing from either sides.

Dr Kasirivu is facing stiff competition for Bugangaizi West MP seat with Fred Byamukama (NRM) and Annet Kusingura (indep).

The Kakumiro District Police Commander, Mr Twaha Buyinza confirmed that there was a shooting at the minister’s car adding that police investigations have commenced.

“I can confirm that there was a shooting at the minister’s car but we immediately dispatched police from Nyalweyo and more police officers are going to be dispatched to the scene of the crime to investigate the matter,” he said.