Akampa Tanbull: On the voting day, not all people in yellow shirts are NRM/Museveni’s supporters

Ugandans are on the count down, both the eligible voters and those not eligible are excited, while the business people seem to be in tension, the politicians are in the final lap of the campaign trails, some a spending sleepless nights, others are in tension, some are developing high blood pressure.

This is the state Country Uganda is in. It is just for a short while! and life will become so normal again.

I have also come to learn that among the voters, the youth 18-30 years are 41% and the female youth are slightly more than the male youth. In general, the Women voters are 52% including the female youth, remember the 41% of youth on the national voters’ register, NRM already dominates with 80% of the youth leaders in the local council structures up to the national level.

This means that largely NRM/Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa already has the majority of youth voters as a block vote, we are now in final strategies for the swing votes and those we have to fish from other opposition parties to win massively on Thursday 14th January 2021.

The opposition should be preparing congratulatory messages and tell their handlers or spouses to be preparing suits to put on for the next swearing-in ceremony of Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa, the next President of Uganda 2021-2026.

Now, to all NRM leaders, supporters at District, Municipal, Division, Town Council, Sub-county, Parish, Local council1/cell/village, please be more vigilant, not all people who will be putting on yellow shirts or t-shirts on the voting day at your different polling stations are NRM/Museveni’s supporters.

The intelligence brief at hand from our sources in opposition especially in NUP/Mr. Bobi Wine’s and FDC/Mr. POA’s camp is that they are planning to put on yellow, stage-manage fights, chaos, violence or even print and distribute fake ballot papers as well DR forms and record videos to frame NRM supporters or even security agencies for violence and give justification to donors(bazungu) that the elections have not been free and fair or NRM has rigged them out.

NRM supporters and all peace-loving Ugandans should vote by following, the Electoral Commission, the security guidelines as well the Ministry of Health COVID19 guidelines that will be in place, to avoid unnecessary delays, further transmission of the deadly Corona Virus, COVID19 knows no NRM nor NUP nor FDC nor ANT supporter, we are all Ugandans and we should aim at protecting each other against this deadly virus. Keep social distance, wear your mask, wash hands, or sanitize.

It is also appropriate or in order, if you left the polling station after casting your vote.

Let us keep peace and the police or security agencies should apply minimum force if any form of violence breaks off, unless otherwise.

For God and My Country Uganda.
Political Analyst, akampabi@gmail.com