Updates: Luweero youth donate two bulls to Bobi Wine

Luweero donate two bulls to Bobi Wine. Whisper Eye Reports

Luweero district youth donate two bulls to Kyadondo East MP Hon Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu alias Bobi Wine at his presidentail campaigns today in Luweero.

White and Black bulls were donated to the National Unity Platform (NUP) party leader amidst cheers from the youth as soon as Bobi Wine had finished to give his campaign speech .

“We have gifted these two remaining cows to our incoming President since the rest were stolen by Museveni and his family”Luweero youths allegations as they handle in two bulls to Bobi Wine.

Bobi Wine accused Luweero and mainly baganda of always being the sacrifice towards the NRM government.

Luweero was the central point of the NRA which brought president Museveni to Power in January 1986 and since he takes the district as his Mecca.

Bobi Wine faces president Museveni in the coming 2021 elections among other contenders.