Some people in Government are the real Enemies of president Museveni: Adam Buyinza

Instead of advising the President to find better ways of engaging and communicating to Ugandans effectively, M7 enemies within Government are briefing him that Robert Kyagulanyi has no support at all and that masses of pple following him are his enemies..NRM must empower its Cadres and MOBILISERS and also wake up from the subversive schemes against the President..M7 has done alot for Uganda among others ensuring total peace and stability in all parts of Uganda…

NRM Leaders should be focusing on engaging youth and vulnerable people to guide them on how best to benefit from government programs and also explaining to them what NRM is planning for them in the next five year but instead these small gods in NRM and Government have resorted to attacking and abusing the personality and the past of Bobi wine .These leaders ought to know that when u describe Bobi wine as a thug, weedman,ghetto man,etc,, you are directly discribing over 15 million poor youth,Ghetto Youth and vulnerable ugandans whose background is similar to that of Bobi Wine…I haven’t seen or heard most nrm Leaders explaining the NRM Policy on unemployment, poverty and public corruption but instead they are all abusing Bobi Wine .

NRM Leaders must know that 99% of Families in Uganda have Disadvantaged persons, thugs, gangsters, weedmen, the poor,the school dropout, the defiled, the unemployed, etc… Abusing Bobi Wine is equivalent to abusing 35 million ugandans and more…

As NRM, there is need to redesign a new approach to reach out to the angry and hungry youth…The door to door mobilisation may not be effective since majority NRM Grassroot Cadres are bitter with NRM Local Leaders and mistrust is growing every day in nrm at the Grassroot level..The strategy for president Museveni on vote protection is the best if it’s supported by all party structures..

President Museveni has been let down by his own trusted people..

A great insight by Luzindana Adam Buyinza of the Poor Youth Movement