FDC paints Gulu City blue ahead of POA visit

FDC paints Gulu city blue ahead of POA visit. Whisper Eye Reports

Opposition l party Forum for Democratic Change , FDC has painted Gulu city blue as its presidential candidate Patrick Oboi Amuriat  visits the newly approved city.

FDC fronted Eng Patrick Oboi Amuriat for Uganda’s presidency after its strong man Dr Kizza Besigye declined to contest for the Presidency opting for what he has termed as plan B.

Amuria is flanked by party officials and he is set to address a congregation of all FDC leaders from Acholi region. 

The controversial Eng cum Politician was nominated to contest for the presidency barefooted after police arrested him while heading to FDC headquarters in Kampala to pick his nomination papers.

He was whisked away to Kyambogo presidential nomination grounds without shoes.

He has decided to launch his presidential campaigns barefooted as  a protest to  police action against his candidature.

 Eng POA faces an uphill task to dislodge president Museveni on the ballot come 2021 elections.