Uganda Decides: Museveni nominated for sixth term for Uganda’s president slot. Whisper Eye Reports

Uganda’s longest serving president Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been nominated as NRM’s candidate in the 2021 presidential election in which he is seeking a sixth term in office.  

Museveni, 75, a former rebel leader who seized power in 1986 and was first elected a decade later, changed the constitution in 2005 to abolish a two-term limit.

In 2019 the Supreme Court confirmed the scrapping of the age limit for the presidency, paving the way for a further election bid.

I, Justice Simon Byabakama, declare Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa, a duly nominated presidential candidate for the 2021 general election..” said Simon Byabakama the Chairman of Uganda Electoral Commission .

President Museveni stated as below after his nomination , 

I have been duly nominated by the Independent Electoral Commission as a candidate for the 2021 presidential election. I thank my nominators, the two young people, Nassur Gaddafi and Hellen Seku.

I also thank the rest of my entourage led by the NRM vice-chairperson Al-Hajj Moses Kigongo and the Secretary General, Justine Lumumba. Special gratitude to our supporters in the districts who signed my endorsement forms.

At this nomination, I would want to emphasise two points; measures against the Covid-19 pandemic and security.

Covid-19 is deadly and is killing our people. In recent days, among others, we lost an environment expert, Paul Mafabi, and my good friend, Francis Xavier Kitaka, the veterinary expert and entrepreneur.

Do not take this disease lightly. The talk that the villages are insulated from Covid-19 is false. Please follow all guidelines of health experts. Sanitize, wear masks and observe social distancing.

Secondly, I encourage everybody to maintain peace. I hear talk that some people want to cause chaos. Those plans will not succeed. Anyone planning mischief will fail. No one should threaten Ugandans with chaos.

I thank you and I will delve into details of our manifesto at the launch later today.


Museveni is facing a challenge from music star-turned-politician Bobi Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi.

He has won support among a youthful population who have only ever known one president