Bobi Wine cries foul , says NRM leaders under the guard of Police are defacing his campaign posters

Bobi Wine cries foul, says NRM leaders under the guard of Police are defacing his campaign posters. Whisper Eye Reports

Kyadondo East MP Hon Robert Kyagulanyi commonly known as Bobi Wine has lashed out at Uganda Police and NRM leaders for defacing his campaign posters in pasts of Kampala and Mpigi .

Uganda police was last week defacing Campaign posters of Robert Kyagulanyi around Kampala area.

In a Facebook released statement post  , Bobi WIne states 

As we get close to the election, it gets clearer that the regime is so panicky.

They are so scared to the teeth, and that is why they would deploy police and goons to deface our banners, remove our posters, etc. Bobi Wine posted. 

Yesterday in Kampala, an operation overseen by the police saw our posters removed from clock tower and Entebbe road. In areas of Mpigi, area NRM leaders under the guard of police moved around removing our posters. He added. 

These are not actions that will scare us or even deter us. Instead, these actions show us how scared, cowardly and vulnerable our opponents are. Bobi Wine said.

Let’s keep the focus. It won’t take long before they fall with a thud, and our country will return to the hands of the citizens. Bobi Wine wrote.

Mubiru James , the NUP coordinator for Lubaga North on Friday tasked the Electoral Commission to ensure the ground is levelled as Bobi Wine is set to get nominated on the 3rd.

Uganda police is silent about the accusations however last week police came out to say it removed some Bobi Wine banners to keep law and order in Kampala business centre  after various groups of NRM and NUP engaged in battles.