Bobi Wine mourns Covid-19 victim Shaban Bantariza, says he wishes he would witness a new Uganda

Bobi Wine Mourns Shaban Bantariza, says he wishes he would witness a new Uganda. Whisper Eye Reports

The government deputy government spokesperson was pronounced dead in the morning.

Many Ugandans from all corners have mourned the death of a former UPDF spokesperson.

I have learnt about the sudden death of Deputy Government Spokesperson, Col. Shaban Bantariza. I extend my sympathy to his family and friends. Bobi Wine posted.

I have also read very many unkind comments about him on social media. It never used to be like this, but may be this reflects the growing wedge between our rulers and those who are ruled. My prayer is that this will cause deep reflection amongst all of us. He added.

Bobi Wine said , In death, we are reminded that all of us are equal and share a common destiny as human beings, as we await God’s judgement. Therefore, while we’re still alive, we should try to do what is good and what is right to all kinds of people regardless of their social status.

May we also learn never to put our trust in anything else, except God, who alone is immortal. Nothing should ever replace humanity and humility. The Banyankore say, “ensi egyi n’omushenyi”(this world is nothing but sand). While we still live, we owe it upon ourselves and those yet to come to be humble and do good. He continued to state.

The Kyadondo East MP continued to say, Unlike some comrades who celebrate when their oppressors die, I personally feel sad when they die. I always wish that they live much longer and witness a NewUganda which is governed with fairnes, justice and love. 

Rest in peace, Col. Shaban.

Shaban died early mourning from Covid-19 at Mulago hospital in Kampala.