2021 MP Race: Shortest man from Mbale fails to get nominated for MP after failing to pay 3 Million

2021 MP Race: Shortest man from Mbale fails to get nominated for MP after failing to pay 3 Million. Whisper Eye Reports

Mr. Mugamba Shahali the former Islamic University in Uganda guild president has failed to get nominated for MP Mbale City Northern, after failing to pay the required Shs3 million nomination fees.

In 2016, Shahali Mugamba aged 26 then, was elected guild president of IUIU, Mbale campus. 

At 3.5ft tall, he was considered the shortest guild president in the world. He beat 2 contestants to win the guild election.

By press time he had failed to get the required 3 million shillings required to pay as nomination fee .

Additional reporting Baaba