Sad News: Harrier Aber the wife of General Salim Saleh is dead

Harrier Aber widely known in Gulu as the wife of General Salim Saleh is dead. Whisper Eye Reports

The allegedly wife of Gen Salim Saleh whose real name is Caleb Akandwanaho is dead.

Aber is thought to be in her 40’s was on Wednesday morning found dead at her residence in Kasubi Sub Ward in Layibi-Bardege division in Gulu City.

The Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson, Patrick Jimmy Okema confirmed the reports.

Okema said circumstances surrounding her death remain unclear adding that a police team is on the ground, and that the Director of police medical services is on his way to Gulu from Kampala over the matter.

By press time the residence of the late Aber had been cordoned off.

Aber has in the past been accused of using the military to grab chunks of land in Nwoya and Amuru districts. In 2008 she famously fought over land in Omee Village in Amuru district with the late Major General Julius Oketta.