Two police officers dismissed from the force over Masaka Walugembe Hussein immolation

Two police officers dismissed from the force following their unprofessional conduct that led to the death of Walugembe Hussein.Whisper Eye Reports

Police Disciplinary Committee court has convicted two police officers and sentenced to dismissal from Uganda Police Force due to their unprofessional conduct that led to the death of Hussein Walugembe, 19, who burnt him self at Masaka Central Police Station (CPS) on 3rd June 2020.

The Disciplinary Committee Court which has been chaired by ACP David Manzi dismissed police officer number 59762 Sgt Ewalu Julius on file number 001/2020 and police officer number 35544 Sgt Ssessanga Ibrahim on file number 002/2020.

Both officers appeared in the court sat at Masaka municipal offices in Masaka City for five days.

Police Witness number one (PW1) Kalyango Yasine told court that Mr Ewalu asked him bribe of ugx150,000/= after police had impounded his vehicle registration number UAK 147C.

He told court that he stayed in the vehicle for a night at Masaka CPS after pleading to Sgt Ewalu he gave him ugx 100,000/= the following day and he was given back his vehicle.

PW2 Hajji Noordine Byakatonda told court that he was also asked to pay ugx 100,000/= after police impounded the bicycle of his son during curfew hours.

He was made to report at Masaka CPS for three days, he pleaded and paid ugx 40,000/= to get back the sons bicycle.

Sgt Ewalu was convicted on charges of corrupt practices.

Sgt Ssessanga Ibrahim was convicted on the charges Cruel after mistreating Hussein Walugembe (late).

It was proved to the court that Mr Walugembe was mistreated and the cruel behavior of Sgt Ssessanga led to public outrage.

The court found out that if Sgt Ssessanga acted professional, he could have saved Mr Walugembe’s life.

Mr Walugembe committed suicide after police impounded his Motorcycle during Covid-19 curfew hours.

He pleaded to Sgt Ssessanga Ibrahim to secure his motorcycle and was toasted up and down, asking him money as a bribe which he did not have.

Walugembe bought petrol and light him self in the traffic office at Masaka CPS with an intention to die with Sgt Ssessanga.

In accordance with the Police Act section 44 (1) code 23 (a) and (e), and 28 (1) (a), and 42 (2)(b) the court sentenced the defaulters Sgt Ewalu and Sgt Ssessanga to dismissal from Uganda Police Force.

The court gave them 14 days to appeal against the decision of this court.