Covid-19: Defiant Tanzania reveals the number of coronavirus cases in the Country

The Ministry of Health in Tanzania has been silent for a while concerning the matters and status of coronavirus disease in the country.

This is after president John Pombe Magufuli pocked holes on the reliability of testing equipment in the country later branding them as faulty, a factor that saw one of senior officials in a local laboratory being suspended.

On Sunday 24th of May reports in the country suggested that the Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa gave a shallow update on the status of COVID-19.

According to the East Africa Radio TZ the Prime Minister said that until now Dar es Salaam in general is remaining with only 13 coronavirus patients, Kibaha remaining with 16 and Dodoma in Mkonze station there are only 3 patients.

This comes a week after President Magufuli announced that the number of coronavirus patients in the country had gone done a factor that made him direct the reopening of schools and other activities in the country which are set to resume in June.